WP5 – ThinkTank: Moving projects ahead

Researchers: Jeroen Pasterkamp (lead), Danielle Posthuma, Guus Smit, Huib Mansvelder, Elly Hol, Boudewijn Lelieveldt.

A 10-year innovation project, such as BRAINSCAPES, leads to many new leads and ideas. Whereas primary products, such as publications and training of the next generation, are in the mainstream of the activity of consortium partners, the formulation of knowledge applications, spin-off projects and dissemination of methods is not. Translation of scientific results is facilitated by the Knowledge Implementation Panel (KIP) in practical terms (e.g. links with potential partners), but recognizing translatable results and formulating possible spin-off projects is best conducted by the researchers involved, naturally in close contact with putative stakeholders. Hence, WP5 is the Think Tank of BRAINSCAPES, in which PIs of the consortium assess translatability and implementation potential of results as soon as these are available. This is accomplished in close collaboration with the KIP to facilitate connecting with novel partners with different skills and expertise, new funding possibilities, or ways to collaborate with industry.

BRAINSCAPES is a complex project (in which different types of experiments at various levels and computation go together), and knowledge implementation thus requires discussion, preparation and formulation of ideas, evaluation of the status of maturation and consideration of the need for further developmentAs BRAINSCAPES aims to contribute to the development of novel treatment strategies, an active involvement in early recognizing opportunities in cell and animal models and translating these into spin-offs in collaboration with relevant external partners is required.